# makefile for libpng # Copyright (C) 1995 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc. # Modified for cygwin32-beta20.1 by Mc.N (2000) # To compile, or to compile and test, type: # # make -fmakefile.cgw; make test -fmakefile.cgw # # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in png.h # where make install puts libpng.a and png.h ## prefix=/usr/local prefix=. # Where the zlib library and include files are located #ZLIBLIB=/usr/local/lib #ZLIBINC=/usr/local/include ZLIBLIB=../zlib ZLIBINC=../zlib CC=gcc -mno-cygwin CFLAGS=-I$(ZLIBINC) -O -Wall -mcpu=pentium -march=i386 # -g -DPNG_DEBUG=5 LDFLAGS=-L. -L$(ZLIBLIB) -lpng -lz # -lm #RANLIB=echo RANLIB=ranlib OBJS = png.o pngset.o pngget.o pngrutil.o pngtrans.o pngwutil.o \ pngread.o pngrio.o pngwio.o pngwrite.o pngrtran.o \ pngwtran.o pngmem.o pngerror.o pngpread.o all: libpng.a pngtest ## all: libpng.a libpng.a: $(OBJS) ar rc $@ $(OBJS) $(RANLIB) $@ pngtest: pngtest.o libpng.a $(CC) -o pngtest $(CFLAGS) pngtest.o $(LDFLAGS) test: pngtest ./pngtest ## install: libpng.a ## -@mkdir $(prefix)/include ## -@mkdir $(prefix)/lib ## cp png.h $(prefix)/include ## cp pngconf.h $(prefix)/include ## chmod 644 $(prefix)/include/png.h ## chmod 644 $(prefix)/include/pngconf.h ## cp libpng.a $(prefix)/lib ## chmod 644 $(prefix)/lib/libpng.a clean: rm -f *.o libpng.a pngtest pngout.png # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it. png.o: png.h pngconf.h pngerror.o: png.h pngconf.h pngrio.o: png.h pngconf.h pngwio.o: png.h pngconf.h pngmem.o: png.h pngconf.h pngset.o: png.h pngconf.h pngget.o: png.h pngconf.h pngread.o: png.h pngconf.h pngrtran.o: png.h pngconf.h pngrutil.o: png.h pngconf.h pngtest.o: png.h pngconf.h pngtrans.o: png.h pngconf.h pngwrite.o: png.h pngconf.h pngwtran.o: png.h pngconf.h pngwutil.o: png.h pngconf.h pngpread.o: png.h pngconf.h